Pit And Fissure Sealants

Pit And Fissure Sealants
Dental sealants are a thin plastic coating applied to the chewing surface of your teeth to help prevent the build-up of acids and bacteria that can lead to tooth decay. The purpose of dental sealant treatment in panchavati road is to prevent cavities by creating a smooth surface across the pits and fissures of our teeth. These pits and fissures are hard areas to keep clean and can easily accumulate food and plaque build-up. The concept of dental sealants was first introduced in the early. Since then, the benefits of dental sealants, plus the art of applying them & the dental sealant materials used, all have come a long way. Today dental sealants for a child are especially recommended, as well as for teenagers who are at a higher risk of tooth decay, particularly in their new adult molar teeth.
Dental Sealants Including:
- Protection Against Plaque and Foods
- Applying Dental Sealants is Pain-Free
- Added Support for Your Oral Care
- Effective for Up to 10 Years
- Easy to Repair